Hometown Visit: Michigan!

Its been 1 month since my last post and things have pretty crazy since I’ve returned to the States (Arizona). I wasn’t able to start settling really until now. My first 2-3 weeks were a bit worrisome with what I was going to do with work and get an income going because I was given a ticket to go home to Michigan for 2 weeks for my Grandpas Memorial and visit family.


Trevor (The boyfrendd!) and I spent lots of time browsing Indeed and Craigslist for possible openings in Fountain Hills. We don’t have a car so getting something really near by was ideal. I also wasn’t sure about going in anywhere needing to go to Michigan for 2 weeks. It was hard just chilling a lot of the time because I like to be busy. Trev and I would do a morning walk around the Fountain most mornings, playing Pokemon go which is always fun and then I’d practice yoga. I bruised a rib and wasn’t able to practice yoga for over a week (I was going crazy)! The body works in mystical ways though.. My body really needed a full break after all that hard work put in during my yoga training and it took a bruised/fractured rib to sit my ass down.

It was then that I really started paying attention to the way my body feels. Most of the time I like a slow, hard practice. I eased my way back into yoga because I learned the hard way and did yoga when it first happened which created more discomfort then ever and not having insurance scared the hell out of me so I thought I should chill out before I kill myself or even worse have to go to the doctor. Ok just kidding but I eased my way back slowly into classes on my own and taking a couple great ones at Lifetime in Scottsdale. Trev’s mom is a well-known fitness instructor here in AZ and just basically kicks major ass. I’m feeling fantastic and thankful to be able to do yoga fully and actually came back to my mat even stronger then before.

One of my Yoga Teachers at my yoga teacher training, Jason, had told us to not let too much time in between the training and teaching so thats exactly what I’ve been doing since back in the States. I’ve done a bunch of 1 on 1’s (I try to do at least 2-4 per week), couple privates, and had a class of 4! I’m absolutely enjoying teaching and creating sequences. It makes me so happy to be able to share my love and passion of yoga.

There was the stress of trying to find a job but maybe not until I get back because I didn’t want to already take so much time off, if i were to get hired. I was applying to places online and had been wanting to apply to Starbucks as I heard it’s a good company to work for and it’s legit a 2 minute walk away. I couldn’t take the sitting around and two days before leaving for Michigan, went into Starbucks and asked the barista at the front desk if they were hiring. She said yes and told me to apply online and come in the next day to let the Store Manager know. So thats exactly what I did! I filled that shit out and went in the next day. Leissa, the store manager, was beautiful and nice, since I was leaving in the next few days she interviewed me and by the end I had myself a new job! I’d be starting the day I got back from Michigan (BING BANG BONG).



I left for cold Michigan on January 12th. I stayed with my Gma Jude (She raised me!) and my sister Davynn for the first few days before my Grandpa Jims Memorial and my other sister Corynn visited all the days I was there. Oh, and my mom has been living there for a year. She’s an interesting being to say the least but I hold no grudges and always hope her the best. It was so amazing to see them after such a long time. My Grandma Jude is a super funny and positive lady and all the Schneider girls are strong af. We shared a lot of emotions together and as well as good memories over our little brother Conrad and Grandpa Jim who both passed away within 2 weeks of each other.

The memorial for was Grandpa Jim was really nice. There was a moment where people stood up and talked about how crazy, cool my grandpa was. My siblings and I are/were so thankful for him. We are thankful for him and my grandma Jude. They took my siblings and I in when I was super young and became our guardians. They didn’t have to but stepped up to the plate and did the best they could. We have no idea where each of us would be today. They were super strict with me and honestly I wouldn’t have changed it. I didn’t have a lot of real friends but no one is ever “real” that age and I’d prefer to have 0 friends then 100 fake ones. My grandpa never let me stay out past 11pm and he would always say, “Nothing good ever happens after 12”. He cared so much. He would record every holiday, every birthday and it was cool to see how he touched everyones lives. My Grandpa was a big fan of electronics and always wanted the best. He had the biggest TV you’d ever see and walk around with huge ass headphones and a neck brace. He would date every single piece of mail and ask for every password we have. He just wanted to protect us. Before I moved out, we all sat down to dinner every night and would say grace. Conrad and Grandpa love love loved buttered noodles. Conrad was always picky. If he couldn’t leave the table till his food was gone he would be there for hours and never give up. That was always a real determination. We always knew my Grandpa was a baller but he never let us know about it. He use to watch murder she wrote, Criminal Minds, and CSI. I can hear the theme music of the shows and I’d try to sneak back and watch but he never let me, there was parental controls on all the TVs but there was this one time he let me watch CSI in his back room and it was cool. He gave me my first cell phone in the 8th grade when I got a 3.9 GPA. He showed me the proper way to wash a car and he ALWAYS only drove a Lincoln. My Grandpa wore so many flannel button ups that he’d wear outside and ripped jeans (he wasn’t trying to be cool, Gpa Jim just was). My Grandpa was a fighter, always in pain. He had polio as a child and he never talked much about it but we always knew he was in a ton of pain. He also battled and beat cancer. It really really sucks but their struggles, pain, and the negative feelings my brother felt toward himself, is over. I miss them SO much and really really wish I could see them right now.


After a few days in Dearborn I headed to Metamora to stay with my bestest friends in the world, Andi and Dan. They live in a beautiful house with a big farm with 3 horses (One of which names is Bailey, She’s actually a model as well!), 3 Dalmatians, and 2 cats. They have SO much room for activities! This time around they are putting together their studio and building it from scratch. I helped them paint, did Dans hair, and taught lots of yoga, it was awesome! We even went over to Andi’s side of the fam for some family time and taught them yoga, tasted delicious wine/food, and never seen so many dogs in my life. Its always so interesting to me when other dogs can play together because with my experience, my dogs could never play with other dogs. Dan and I also went to see the movie Split, we thought it was super cool!


While in Michigan, I did a photoshoot for MotorCity Float and was able to make it to a couple float seshs. It was a cool experience and would recommend you try it at least once. It can shorten recovery for injuries, reduce stress and anxiety, increase creativity, promote relaxation, be a great stepping stone to meditation, and much more. The water has a high salt content for floating and is the same temp as the body. You also wear ear plugs and the tank becomes completely dark once in and motionless dulling all senses allowing you to easier move inward to relax and recharge. They also have an amazing shower and place to get ready afterward followed with a cozy room to have a snack, drink some tea, relax in a robe, and even draw. Thank you MotorCity Float! @motorcityfloat <-Check this dope shit out.

During the last few days of my Michigan trip I went back to Dearborn and hung out with my sisters and Gma Jude. I taught some yoga and cut my sisters hair and spent some more quality time. I headed to the airport early in the morning on the 26th and flew back to Arizona.

The sun was shining amazingly and it was cold but NOT as cold as Michigan. I got an uber driver back to Fountain Hills and did yoga and prepared for my first day at Starbucks! Im so excited/lucky to have been able to score this job right across the street. I’ve always been a big fan of Starbucks and looked forward to making coffees and getting to know my fellow employees and neighbors. With Stacy away at Jury Duty and Mike and Trev working like bosses I arrived home to Thunder Rooskie (The best dog in the world.). It wasn’t till later I was able to jump into the boyfriends arms, missed him so much and it was so good to see Stacy and later on Mike when he returned from working in Texas. It always feels so good being around them and just being a part of their family.

I’ve been working at Starbucks now for 5 days or so and in love with the process. I’m learning a shit ton but love it. I’ve always had an interest in coffees. Trev and I have always been black coffee fans and basically tried every place in Chicago. Starbucks was a go to place while living in the Gold Coast in Chicago with one on every corner. We were super big on the reserves. Catch me at your local Fountain Hills Starbucks, ill whip you up something good!

I’m feeling oh so grateful for everything; My family + friends, my strong practices and yoga journey, the 72 degree weather, my ability to feel and distinguish emotion, my health, my positive/enthusiastic mind set, to name a few things.

Appreciating and loving the process but looking forward to Fifty Shades darker on Valentines day, Wanderlust 108 in May, and road tripping to Florida with the Langers in the Summer! Next goal, a car! Then spreading the yoga love in studios, parks, and 1 on 1’s. I am available for 1 on 1’s in Arizona or on Skype, just email me at bayleyalexandrayoga@gmail.com.

The sun is shining and life is beautiful.

Peace and SO much love,


Snapchat: bayalexsch

Instagram: bayleyalexandra

YogaInstagram: Yoga With Bayley

Facebook: bayley alexandra schneider







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